A little bit of me, on your screen


Hello, hi!

Thanks for stopping by...

I have spent the last year dilly-dallying around the idea of starting a blog in the fear of being niche-less- yes, it’s a word. However, I've come to realise that this isn't about being the next big thing in the blogo-sphere- okay I may have made that one up...  I have zero expectations but I do know that I love to write and chat away, so it would be silly not to at least give it a go.

You'll find me in sunny Tunbridge Wells, probably in the pub, with my gorgeous friends all tirelessly trying to get to grips with this growing up thing (spoiler alert- we could definitely be more grown).  I love, more than anything, to discover new places. These places usually involve a good view and almost certainly involve wine. So, if at any point you think I’m missing out on somewhere fabulous, please do holler.

You guys will be able to have a nose into my monthly must haves, I’ll share the prettiest places around but, more often than not, I’ll probably just chat at you. I think this is going to be pretty lovely.  I'd love to create a space where we can all share. So, if you ever have anything to add, or want to rave about something you recently discovered, or you just want to tell me to stop waffling- I am all ears. Please do use the comments and share!

Now grab a drink, get cosy and happy reading!

Abbie xx

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