A little bit of me, on your screen

Monday, February 8, 2021

A Sleep Story

How I manage restless nights. 

If you think you are the only person to stare at the ceiling until silly o'clock every evening- you’re not. In 2017 a study found one in three adults suffer from sleepless nights. That’s as many as 16 million people, in the UK alone. Anxiety, stress, and depression are some of the most common causes of chronic insomnia. Having difficulty sleeping can also make these a whole lot worse, it is one big cycle of b*tch. 

I wish I could refer to my restless nights in the past tense but they are still very much in the present. However, I thought it might be useful for you guys to read what it is that keeps me tossing and turning, so you don’t feel so alone in your head tonight. Here is just one of the plethora of ridiculous examples of my over active brain and how I have come to shut off these thoughts in order to aid a gorgeous nights sleep. 

Like most, the prospect of my future keeps me up most evenings. More specifically, my career and if I will ever feel truly fulfilled in what I eventually end up in. My relentless need to impress people has often left me feeling quite unimpressed with myself. It is funny really, because I know people are too wrapped up in their own lives to give a sh*t about mine. But, 2 am me manages to convince herself that my friends all think I am a total mess because I don't work a 9-5 in an office. 

In the short time this blog has been live I can see that my main demographic is 18-24. One thing I continue to tell myself, and now you, is that we are really quite small still and have got a lot more f*ck ups coming our way, so there is absolutely no point stressing about what people think about where you are at now or even where you will be at thirty. However, if like me, rational thinking is not your cup of tea, then here are some other things I do in order to catch some zzzz’s.

      1) Watch a TV Show you are really familiar with

I’ve found that when thoughts such as the above come crawling their way in, listening to a show you know inside out is a great way of blocking them out. My go-to is Friends, you wont feel the need to stay up and watch because you already know what is going to happen. With the brightness of your phone and volume turned down, you can concentrate on the words and not on your thoughts. However, I wouldn’t suggest this one when you’re sharing a bed. As it turns out, not everyone is as big as a fan of Friends as me. And if Logan has to listen to The One Where Ross and Rachel Take a Break one more time, I think we might actually end up on break. 

2) Anatomical's Sleep Balm

Santa Claus gifted me this little pot of dreams for Christmas and it is by far one of the best gifts I have found in my stocking to date. This relaxing balm with lavender and natural waxes will help you to close your eyes and keep them shut. Simply rub it in to your temples and pulse points, put your phone down and get ready for the dreamiest of snoozes. At £4 a pot, you may as well give it a go. I'll leave the link Santa used below.  

For Sleep Balm- https://anatomicals.co.uk/products/cruisin-for-a-snoozin-sleep-balm

3)  Write down everything that is troubling you 

Another tip would be to write down everything that is worrying you that evening. There is something really therapeutic about writing things down and then shutting the book on them. Instead of these thoughts taking up space in your brain, they are neatly tucked away somewhere else for you to tackle tomorrow. Writing things down can help keep your mind uncluttered and reaffirm what is important to you. This will also help to be more organised and balanced, which is a great way to feel less stressed- and this is always a plus. 

Obviously I am no expert. So, if you are looking for some more info then head to the Sleep Junkie website for all your sleep related queries. Also, feel free to share your remedies in the comments below.  And obviously, if it gets really bad, please reach out to your doctor. 

Sweet dreams, 

Abbie x


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