A little bit of me, on your screen

Monday, February 15, 2021

Why It Is So Important To Support Your Friend's Side Hustle.


Georgia and I met on the first day of secondary school, we had turned up with matching daisy hair grips and obviously became the best of friends. We were practically glued at the hip for the first few years, she played a big part in some of the most important times during my teens. As with all friendships, the dynamic of our relationship has changed as we have. So, while I am no longer calling her at 1 am about a boy she has managed to palm me off on, the one thing that remains a constant is our unwavering support of everything each other does, however questionable. 

That is why when she launched Dressed up by Gee, I was nothing but proud of her drive and determination. As well as working her 9-5 as a Treasury Assistant, I know so grown...G set up her retail business in April so that she had something to focus on and to give her the boost she needed to beat the lock-down blues. Her love for fashion and genuine passion for styling is evident throughout her Instagram feed, that boasts nearly 2000 followers.

As well as earning her a few extra $$$, G has learnt what it is to be a young business woman in a pretty competitive environment. And, while it may not be for everyone, it has taught her a lot of life skills that school seems to dodge. Such as how to do her tax return, invest her finances and budgeting. 

Having a side hustle is an increasingly popular way to make extra money while also following your passions. Side-hustling is currently more common among men than among women. With 30 percent of men earning extra cash on the side compared to 21% of women. I worry the reason for this is that women are concerned people won’t support their project or think others will look down on them for wanting/needing a second source of income. Or worse, maybe women don't believe they could create a successful side hustle from scratch. By supporting your friend's businesses, you are not only helping them to chuck more money in their savings, but you should know that you are helping them feel incredibly empowered too. With every sale, click on our website and follow of our social media page, you are helping us to pursue our dreams and better our futures. Now more than ever, it is so important to support young women in business. So, ladies, let’s build each other up and close that gap.

Although G doesn’t have her own boutique on the high street just yet, who is to say that she won’t get there eventually. By supporting her business now, you could help to breathe new life into our high street. This is important because small businesses provide opportunities for entrepreneurs and create meaningful jobs with greater job satisfaction than positions with larger companies. They also encourage local economies, keeping money close to home that can support smaller communities.

If you have taken inspo from this post and want to start your own project then G does have a couple of pieces of advice. Firstly, do your research. She highlighted to me just how competitive the retail industry can be when she explained: “There are other boutiques online selling similar items so it is important you create a USP for your brand and invest time into your social media, in order to stand out”. If you think running your own business is a walk in the park G reaffirms that: “it takes time, commitment and the ability to deal with knock backs. Especially on a day with fewer sales, it is trial and error but the end result is so worth it”.

I thought it would be fun for G and I to create a little look book of all our favourite pieces. However, I am leaving the modelling to the professionals this time...


One of Georgia's favourite combos. Shop the Light Khaki Nelly Fur and Riri Bandage Dress on her page.

One of my favourite outfits on G's page. I would chuck a pair of tights and heeled Chelsea boots on in the winter or a strappy top and sandals when it is a bit warmer. 

G also stocks gorgeous gym sets for those lock down workouts we are all doing...right?

Get your paws on this gorgeous gilet, you will be toasty and look tasty. 

So, happy shopping my loves and a massive well done to my mega talented friend.

And, here's to women trying to make a name for themselves and working double hard to get there, we've got this.

Abbie x


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