A little bit of me, on your screen

Wednesday, February 3, 2021



 Hello my loves and welcome! 

I thought that beginning with a short intro, a whats-what on me, would be a bloody lovely place to start. I will also give you the 411 on what to expect from my blog so you can decide whether to invest any of your time into it... no pressure or anything but I would really love it if you did. 

I am from sunny Tunbridge Wells, it is pretty and full of my favourite people but the aim is to eventually see more. I love all things hospitality and digital and look forward to the day I fully find my feet with a career that encapsulates both. But, as for most people , Covid-19 has pressed pause on life and my merry misadventures. I had big plans to see South East Asia and Australia in 2020, I know, could I be any more basic?... Unfortunately, I find myself on furlough for what feels like the zillionth month. However, I'm hopeful that the future will be kinder to us and I will find just where I need to be. But for now, I thought I'd start a new little love project.

Now, there are over 500 million blogs out there. That is a lot of people who probably have a lot more to say than I do. But, I am going to give it a bloody good go anyway. I toyed with so many different styles and ideas, until I realised that it didn't need to be frilly and fancy, I just needed to write about the things that I love and want to share.  Here you’ll be able to have a nose into my monthly must haves, find the prettiest places to explore or we can just have a bit of chit chat. Well, I will be chatting, you will be reading (please do make use of the comment box below if you ever want to add to the convo!).  I’m hoping I will be able to share the good, bad and the fugly. Because let’s face it, life can be a bit of a b*tch sometimes. 

So girls and boys , grab yourself a Pinot (or whatever it is you other people drink) and enjoy!

Abbie x


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